Wow- I am a slacker, but you cant blame me. Our lovely computer broke and we don't have the extra cash to fix it, so I am stuck with out a computer. I am staying after work so I can keep up on my blogging world. SO things that are different- We went to Utah for 2 weeks the beginning of August, we saw family, and went to Bear Lake. It was so nice to be back in Utah. It went by crazy fast. Bear Lake was great- it rained half the week but I still love it up there. Haylie did really good. She had a hard time adjusting at first but she loved seeing all of my family. She started sitting up really good while we were there. Chris had to stay in Houston to work.
She is now 8 months old! My little baby isn't so little anymore. She is now trying to figure out how to crawl, but her legs are so stubby and fat she cant get them under her, so she just pulls them along. Its pretty funny. She has 2 cute little teeth on the bottom and is talking like there is no tomorrow- I wonder where she gets that from?
Anyway- We were going to be getting in to Utah in actually an hour but a job fell through for Chris and I haven't found one yet so we are coming Sept. 12. If anyone knows of anyone hiring for me and Chris please let us know:)